====== Do typological differences in the expression of causality influence preschool children’s causal event construal? ====== * **ID:** 20231012155253505-1237 * **Researcher:** Ebru Ger, Aylin C. Küntay, Tilbe Göksun, Sabine Stoll, Moritz M. Daum * **WP:** Other * **PI:** Sabine Stoll * **Abstract:** Abstract This study investigated whether cross-linguistic differences in causal expressions influence the mapping of causal language on causal events in three- to four-year-old Swiss-German learners and Turkish learners. In Swiss-German, causality is mainly expressed syntactically with lexical causatives (e.g., ässe ‘to eat’ vs. füettere ‘to feed’). In Turkish, causality is expressed both syntactically and morphologically – with a verbal suffix (e.g., yemek ‘to eat’ vs. yeDIRmek ‘to feed’). Moreover, unlike Swiss-German, Turkish allows argument ellipsis (e.g., ‘The mother feeds [∅]’). Here, we used pseudo-verbs to test whether and how well Swiss-German-learning children inferred a causal meaning from lexical causatives compared to Turkish-learning children tested in three conditions: lexical causatives, morphological causatives, and morphological causatives with object ellipsis. Swiss-German-learning children and Turkish-learning children in all three conditions reliably inferred causal meanings, and did so to a similar extent. The findings suggest that, as young as age 3, children learning two different languages similarly make use of language-specific causality cues (syntactic and morphological alike) to infer causal meanings. * **Publication DOI:** [[https://doi.org/10.1017/langcog.2021.26|https://doi.org/10.1017/langcog.2021.26]] * **Publication Link:** [[https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S1866980821000260/type/journal_article|https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S1866980821000260/type/journal_article]] * **Data Type:** null * **Data Format:** null * **Data Link:** [[https://osf.io/aytnx/|https://osf.io/aytnx/]] * **Git:** [[None|None]]