^[[VoCallBase|VoCallBase]]^ ^[[Songbird vocal segments|Songbird vocal segments]]^ ^[[NNProxCC Data|Meerkat Close Calls and Neighbor Proximity]]^ ^[[Gorilla Close Call|Mountain Gorilla Close-call Vocalizations]]^ ^ [[Vocal Reactions of Black-Fronted Titi Monkeys to Predator Presentations|Vocal Reactions of Black-Fronted Titi Monkeys to Predator Presentations]] ^ ^ [[Short-Term Vocal Accommodation Experiment on Common Marmosets|Short-Term Vocal Accommodation Experiment on Marmosets]] ^ ^ [[Cort Data|Meerkat Vocalizations before and after Cortisol Treatment ]] ^ ^[[Meerkat Vocal Reportoer|Meerkat Vocal Diversification]]^ ^ [[Vocal Communication During Pair Formation|Vocal Communication During Pair Formation]] ^