====== Index Page ====== ^[[20220118012930191-46|ACQDIV corpus]]^ ^[[20230330181546131-1104|Underwater sounds, including killer whale and humpback whale vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023]]^ ^[[20231012025926002-1181|(Swiss) GraphoLearn: an app-based tool to support beginning readers]]^ ^[[20231012155231808-1184|A Bayesian Interpretation of the Light Gated Recurrent Unit]]^ ^[[20231012155232461-1185|A convergent interaction engine: vocal communication among marmoset monkeys]]^ ^[[20231012155233090-1186|A cross-species framework to identify vocal learning abilities in mammals]]^ ^[[20231012155233648-1187|A deep hierarchy of predictions enables online meaning extraction in a computational model of human speech comprehension]]^ ^[[20231012155234046-1188|A global analysis of matches and mismatches between human genetic and linguistic histories]]^ ^[[20231012155234561-1189|A Phonology-based Approach for Isolated Sign Production Assessment in Sign Language]]^ ^[[20231012155235085-1190|A system for controlling vocal communication networks]]^ ^[[20231012155235493-1191|Affective Social Learning serves as a quick and flexible complement to TTOM]]^ ^[[20231012155236012-1192|Age-related rhythmic variations: The role of syllable intensity variability]]^ ^[[20231012155236256-1193|Age-Specific Effects of Lexical-Semantic Networks on Word Production]]^ ^[[20231012155236916-1194|An exploration of Menzerath's law in wild mountain gorilla vocal sequences]]^ ^[[20231012155237467-1195|An information-theory approach to geometry for animal groups]]^ ^[[20231012155238175-1196|An intentional cohesion call in male chimpanzees of Budongo Forest]]^ ^[[20231012155238721-1197|Appositive possession in Ainu and around the Pacific]]^ ^[[20231012155239252-1198|Audience sensitivity in chimpanzee display pant hoots]]^ ^[[20231012155239668-1199|Beyond universals and particulars in language]]^ ^[[20231012155239905-1200|Bilateral age-related atrophy in the planum temporale is associated with vowel discrimination difficulty in healthy older adults]]^ ^[[20231012155240327-1201|Bound for Specific Sounds: Vocal Predisposition in Animal Communication]]^ ^[[20231012155240785-1202|Brain dynamics of (a)typical reading development-a review of longitudinal studies]]^ ^[[20231012155241279-1203|Brain networks of emotional prosody processing]]^ ^[[20231012155241480-1204|Brain structure-function coupling provides signatures for task decoding and individual fingerprinting]]^ ^[[20231012155241854-1205|Call combinations and compositional processing in wild chimpanzees]]^ ^[[20231012155242330-1206|Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in linguistic evolution?]]^ ^[[20231012155242545-1207|Can Self-Supervised Neural Representations Pre-Trained on Human Speech distinguish Animal Callers?]]^ ^[[20231012155242959-1208|Caregivers Interactions with Clinical Autocomplete Tool: A Retrospective Study]]^ ^[[20231012155243453-1209|Case Syncretism, Animacy, and Word Order in Continental West Germanic: Neurolinguistic Evidence from a Comparative Study on Standard German, Zurich German, and Fering (North Frisian)]]^ ^[[20231012155243860-1210|Category Clustering and Morphological Learning]]^ ^[[20231012155244340-1211|Child-directed speech is optimized for syntax-free semantic inference]]^ ^[[20231012155244568-1212|Children’s reasoning about the efficiency of others’ actions: The development of rational action prediction]]^ ^[[20231012155245040-1213|Chimpanzees combine pant hoots with food calls into larger structures]]^ ^[[20231012155245367-1214|Clocks with bursts: Phylogenetic inference of schismogenesis in language evolution]]^ ^[[20231012155245597-1215|Cognitive constraints on vocal combinatoriality in a social bird]]^ ^[[20231012155245994-1216|Coherent causal control: a new distinction within causation]]^ ^[[20231012155246197-1217|Collective close calling mediates group cohesion in foraging meerkats via spatially determined differences in call rates]]^ ^[[20231012155246473-1218|Collective knowledge and the dynamics of culture in chimpanzees]]^ ^[[20231012155246732-1219|Combining predictive coding and neural oscillations enables online syllable recognition in natural speech]]^ ^[[20231012155247169-1220|Common evolutionary origin of acoustic communication in choanate vertebrates]]^ ^[[20231012155247498-1221|Contact-tracing in cultural evolution: a Bayesian mixture model to detect geographic areas of language contact]]^ ^[[20231012155247731-1222|Contribution of acoustic analysis to the detection of vocoid epenthesis in apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders]]^ ^[[20231012155248165-1223|Covert Speech Comprehension Predicts Recovery From Acute Unresponsive States]]^ ^[[20231012155248471-1224|Cross-linguistic differences in case marking shape neural power dynamics and gaze behavior during sentence planning]]^ ^[[20231012155248712-1225|Cultural macroevolution of musical instruments in South America]]^ ^[[20231012155249157-1226|De Novo Genome Assembly of the Japanese Wheat Cultivar Norin 61 Highlights Functional Variation in Flowering Time and Fusarium-Resistant Genes in East Asian Genotypes]]^ ^[[20231012155249452-1227|Declarative referential gesturing in a wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)]]^ ^[[20231012155249703-1228|Detecting contact in language trees: a Bayesian phylogenetic model with horizontal transfer]]^ ^[[20231012155249931-1229|Detecting structured repetition in child-surrounding speech: Evidence from maximally diverse languages]]^ ^[[20231012155250255-1230|Determinacy of Content: The Hard Problem about Animal Intentionality]]^ ^[[20231012155250572-1231|Development of Print-Speech Integration in the Brain of Beginning Readers With Varying Reading Skills]]^ ^[[20231012155250811-1232|Developmental Trajectories of Letter and Speech Sound Integration During Reading Acquisition]]^ ^[[20231012155251272-1233|Dialectal Layers in West Iranian: A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process 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A thermography approach]]^ ^[[20231012155253505-1237|Do typological differences in the expression of causality influence preschool children’s causal event construal?]]^ ^[[20231012155253816-1238|Do you understand what I want to tell you? Early sensitivity in bilinguals' iconic gesture perception and production]]^ ^[[20231012155254085-1239|Does learning to read affect naming skills? Insights from ERPs during letter and picture naming tasks]]^ ^[[20231012155254483-1240|Does Linguistic Similarity Affect Early Simultaneous Bilingual Language Acquisition?]]^ ^[[20231012155254773-1241|Dwarf mongoose alarm calls: investigating a complex non-human animal call]]^ ^[[20231012155254998-1242|Dynamic interaction patterns of monolingual and bilingual infants with their parents]]^ ^[[20231012155255424-1243|Dynamics of Word Production in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood]]^ ^[[20231012155255755-1244|EEG Resting-State and Event-Related Potentials as Markers of Learning Success in Older Adults Following Second Language Training: A Pilot Study]]^ ^[[20231012155255977-1245|Effect of group size and experience on the ontogeny of sentinel calling behaviour in meerkats]]^ ^[[20231012155256182-1246|Efficiency fosters cumulative culture across species]]^ ^[[20231012155256573-1247|Emotional Voice Intonation: A Communication Code at the Origins of Speech Processing and Word-Meaning Associations?]]^ ^[[20231012155256859-1248|Empathy is not so perfect! 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vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023]]^ ^[[20231012155331650-1365|Use of the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) for Processing Free Text in Health Care: Systematic Scoping Review]]^ ^[[20231012155331873-1366|Visual word form processing deficits driven by severity of reading impairments in children with developmental dyslexia]]^ ^[[20231012155332074-1367|Vocalization-associated respiration patterns: thermography-based monitoring and detection of preparation for calling]]^ ^[[20231012155332294-1368|Vowel convergence does not affect auditory speaker discriminability in humans and machine in a case study on Swiss German dialects]]^ ^[[20231012155332542-1369|What Do Differences between Alternating and Sequential Diadochokinetic Tasks Tell Us about the Development of Oromotor Skills? An Insight from Childhood to Adulthood]]^ ^[[20231012155333176-1370|What is Sympathy? Understanding the Structure of Other-Oriented Emotions]]^ ^[[20231012155333782-1371|When does speech planning rely on motor routines? ERP comparison of speech and non-speech from childhood to adulthood]]^ ^[[20231012155334420-1372|When dogs meow: An electrophysiological study of lexical–semantic processing in toddlers]]^ ^[[20231012155335256-1374|White-handed gibbons discriminate context-specific song compositions]]^ ^[[20231012155335662-1375|Whole Genome Sequencing of a 900-year-old Human Skeleton Supports Two Past Migration Events from the Russian Far East to Northern Japan]]^ ^[[20231012155336094-1376|Why do chimpanzees have diverse behavioral repertoires yet lack more complex cultures? Invention and social information use in a cumulative task]]^ ^[[20231012155336499-1377|Wild-captive contrasts in non-vocal communicative repertoires and functional specificity in orang-utans]]^ ^[[20231012155336880-1378|Word Order Variation is Partially Constrained by Syntactic Complexity]]^ ^[[20231012155337299-1379|Word Production Changes through Adolescence: A Behavioral and ERP Investigation of Referential and Inferential Naming]]^ ^[[20231012155337540-1380|Word stress processing integrates phonological abstraction with lexical access – An ERP study]]^ ^[[20231012161005494-1382|A Naturalness Gradient Shapes the Learnability and Cross-Linguistic Distribution of Morphological Paradigms]]^ ^[[20231012161005715-1383|A surrogate gradient spiking baseline for speech command recognition]]^ ^[[20231012161005916-1384|A VAE for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck]]^ ^[[20231012161006184-1385|Affective Social Learning: A Lens for Developing a Fuller Picture of Socialization Processes]]^ ^[[20231012161006973-1389|Ayer’s Verificationism: Dead as a Dodo?]]^ ^[[20231012162547372-1391|Between-group variation in production of pant-grunt vocalizations by wild bonobos (Pan paniscus)]]^ ^[[20231012162547877-1393|Beyond the Benchmarks: Toward Human-Like Lexical Representations]]^ ^[[20231012162548297-1395|BLM-AgrF: A New French Benchmark to Investigate Generalization of Agreement in Neural Networks]]^ ^[[20231012163518344-1398|Chimpanzee immigration: Complex social strategies differ between zoo-based and wild animals]]^ ^[[20231012163519062-1401|Dialects in leaf-clipping and other leaf-modifying gestures between neighbouring communities of East African chimpanzees]]^ ^[[20231012163519285-1402|Do Discourse Indicators Reflect the Main Arguments in Scientific Papers?]]^ ^[[20231012163519519-1403|Exploring the role of COVID-19 pandemic-related changes in social interactions on preschoolers' emotion labeling]]^ ^[[20231012163520023-1405|Frequency vs. Salience in First Language Acquisition: The Acquisition of Aspect Marking in Chintang]]^ ^[[20231012163520246-1406|Function of meerkats' mobbing-like response to secondary predator cues: recruitment not teaching]]^ ^[[20231012163520475-1407|Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs’ reactions towards howls]]^ ^[[20231012163520885-1409|Individual differences in early instructed language learning]]^ ^[[20231012163521108-1410|Inducing Meaningful Units from Character Sequences with Slot Attention]]^ ^[[20231012163521633-1413|Interaction Studies]]^ ^[[20231012163521853-1414|Interactive extraction of diverse vocal units from a planar embedding without the need for prior sound segmentation]]^ ^[[20231012163523432-1421|Multilingual Language Models Predict Human Reading Behavior]]^ ^[[20231012163523888-1423|Norms, Reasons, and Anthropological Naturalism]]^ ^[[20231012163524336-1425|Predicting Reading From Behavioral and Neural Measures – A Longitudinal Event-Related Potential Study]]^ ^[[20231012163525250-1429|Speakers are more cooperative and less individual when interacting in larger group sizes]]^ ^[[20231012164107677-1433|The AUTOTYP database]]^ ^[[20231012164108334-1435|The Ontogeny of Vocal Sequences: Insights from a Newborn Wild Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)]]^ ^[[20231012164215994-1442|When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint]]^ ^[[20231013112739285-1444|11 Flexibility in Great Ape Vocal Production]]^ ^[[20231013112739908-1445|A machine learning approach to infant distress calls and maternal behaviour of wild chimpanzees]]^ ^[[20231013112740169-1446|A novel non-linguistic audio-visual learning paradigm to test the cognitive correlates of learning rate]]^ ^[[20231013113137296-1455|Bonobos engage in joint commitment]]^ ^[[20231013113137928-1456|Child-Language Corpora]]^ ^[[20231013113138559-1457|Dependency length minimization and its limits: a possible role for a probabilistic version of the Final-Over-Final Condition (to appear in Language)]]^ ^[[20231013113139139-1458|From collocations to call-ocations: using linguistic methods to quantify animal call combinations]]^ ^[[20231013113140035-1460|Interpretability of statistical approaches in speech and language neuroscience]]^ ^[[20231013113140475-1461|Minds, Brains, and Capacities: Situated Cognition and Neo-Aristotelianism]]^ ^[[20231013113141744-1464|Use and Function of Multi-Articulator Versus Multi-Sensory Acts in the Close-Range Communication of Orang-Utans]]^ ^[[20220602015309126-597|AUTOTYP]]^ ^[[20220617140840183-610|Brain dynamics during language processing]]^ ^[[20220704134608271-770|tACS effects on brain networks]]^