===== Download Page ===== Welcome to the Download Page for the NCCR Evolving Language datasets. Here, you can download the data as a dump in multiple formats, which are regularly updated to ensure that they are up-to-date and accurate. Please follow the instructions below to download the data. **Data Formats** The NCCR Evolving Language datasets are available in the following formats: * CSV * JSON * XML You can also download sample files in each format for testing purposes. Please note that these sample files are a subset of the full dataset and may not include all variables. **Data Dumps** The following data dumps are currently available for download: * [[ https://zenodo.org/record/6793367/files/autotyp-data-v.1.1.0.zip?download=1| AUTOTYP]] (size: 12.9 MB) * [[https://zenodo.org/record/3558641/files/acqdiv_corpus_2019-11-24.sqlite3?download=1|ACQDIV]] (size: 1.1 GB) To download the data dumps, please click on the download link for the desired format. You can also choose to download all data in a single file. Please note that the download process may take some time, depending on the size of the file and your internet connection. **Compression** The data dumps are compressed using the ZIP format. To decompress the data, you can use popular tools such as WinZip, 7-Zip, or your computer's built-in compression tool. **Data Dictionary** To understand the variables in the data, you can download the data dictionary in PDF format. The data dictionary provides a description of each variable, its data type, and possible values. **Feedback** If you have any feedback or issues with the download process, please contact our support team using the contact form on our website. You can also subscribe to updates and news about the data downloads by providing your email address on the subscription form.