====== Meerkat Vocal Diversification ====== ===== Introduction ===== The Meerkat VocalDiversification project aims to describe the meerkat vocal repertoire and measure and compare differences in the acoustic variability of vocal signals within and between different behavioral contexts. The dataset for this project consists of audio recordings and metadata, collected over the course of the last 20 years at the Kalahari Research Project in South Africa. This documentation provides guidelines on how to prepare the dataset for submission and ensure it meets the requirements for data submission. ===== Data Description ===== The dataset for the Meerkat VocalDiversification project consists of audio recordings and metadata in WAV format. The audio recordings were collected using a directed microphone connected to a stereo recorder, with the left channel recording the animal and the right channel recording human details on behavior. The data has been segmented and cut into single vocalizations using Adobe Audition and annotated with relevant behavioral metadata. The dataset consists of two .Rda tables: CutTable and SourceTable. The CutTable includes all audio files that have been included in the study and can be linked to the SourceTable and to the time in the SourceFile where it has been cut from. The SourceTable includes all the SourceFiles used in the CutTable dataset. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all the original audio files recorded at the Kalahari Meerkat Project, only the files that have been processed and used in this project. The data is accessible upon request. ===== Data Processing ===== The data for the Meerkat VocalDiversification project was processed using Adobe Audition for segmentation and cutting. Any relevant data cleaning or filtering steps, as well as normalization or transformation steps, were not specified in the information provided. ===== Results and Findings ===== No results or findings were provided in the information provided. ===== Discussion and Conclusion ===== No discussion or conclusion was provided in the information provided. ===== References ===== No references were provided in the information provided.