Table of Contents

Meerkat Close Calls and Neighbor Proximity


NNProxCC_Data is a data collection project that aimed to investigate the effect of neighbor proximity on the acoustic structure of meerkat close calls. The project involved collecting observational recordings of wild meerkats during foraging, and for each close call recorded, the nearest neighbor proximity, neighbor identity, and behavioral context of the focal meerkat were also noted. This document provides an overview of the NNProxCC_Data project, including information on the research team, the work package, and the data collected.

General Information

  1. Name: NNProxCC_Data
  2. Researcher(s): Isabel Driscoll, Marta Manser, Elodie Briefer
  3. Entry type: Data collection
  4. Work package: EmotionIntegration
  5. PI(s): Marta Manser
  6. General description (or abstract, if available): Investigating the effect of neighbor proximity on the acoustic structure of meerkat close calls. Collected observational recordings of wild meerkats during foraging. For each close call recorded nearest neighbor proximity, neighbor identity and behavioral context of the focal. Cut and analyzed acoustic structure of close calls.
  7. Start date: 2022-02-22 00:00:00 +0100
  8. Experiment completed: true
  9. End date: 2022-05-19 00:00:00 +0200

Data Description

The NNProxCC_Data project includes audio recordings, further processed cut calls, extracted acoustic parameters, and audio file markers. The audio recordings were in wav format, while the cut calls and extracted acoustic parameters were in txt and csv formats, respectively. There is currently no general data description available for this project.

The observational recordings of wild meerkats during foraging were collected to investigate the effect of neighbor proximity on the acoustic structure of meerkat close calls. For each close call recorded, the nearest neighbor proximity, neighbor identity, and behavioral context of the focal meerkat were also noted. The acoustic structure of the close calls was cut and analyzed.

Data Processing

The data processing steps for the NNProxCC_Data project involved cutting and analyzing the acoustic structure of meerkat close calls. The specific methods used for data processing are not provided in the information available.

Table 1: Vocalization types and their corresponding annotations in the Meerkat Vocalization dataset.

Figure 1: Mel-spectrograms of Meerkat vocalizations, extracted from longer audio recordings. Each subplot (a, b, c, d, e, and f) shows a segment of a different type of call, and displayed with 1 second of padding before and after the start and end times for better visualization. Vertical lines indicate the original start and end times of each segment. The y-axis represents the mel frequency scale and the x-axis represents time in seconds. The spectrograms show the frequency content of the calls, with higher amplitudes indicated by warmer colors. Each depicts a segment of a Close Call (CC) or Close Call with Scrabbling (CCSC) recording. The subplots a, b, c, and d show segments of CC recordings with a front or back position, and with different annotation details, including the identity of the recorded animal (VLM157, VWM249, VWF176, and VWF250), the call type (CC or CCSC), the duration of the segment (0.5M or 5M) and the distance from the nearest neighbour. Subplots e and f show segments of CCSC recordings with a back position, and with annotation details including the identity of the recorded animal (VWF176), the call type (CCSC), and the duration of the segment (0.3M and 0.7M, respectively). The figure also includes the distance of the focal individual from its nearest neighbour (1.5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 4 meters respectively in a-f).

Marker Count Marker Count
Close call 2425 Single note 1
Scrabbling 1168 Double note 0
Foraging 849 Triple note 1
Digging 75 Multiple note 0
Processing 34 Di-drr 0
Eating 238 Wheek 0
Post-vigilance 107 Alarm call 51
Moving 32 Aerial 0
Sentinel call 0 Terrestrial 0
Rolling 1 Panic 0
Bark 0 Move call 0
Growl call 81 Competition 0

Table2: Showing the count of each marker type in the dataset. The markers are listed in the left column, while the count of occurrences in the dataset is given in the right column.

Results and Findings

There is no information provided on the results and findings of the NNProxCC_Data project.

Discussion and Conclusion

There is no information provided on the discussion and conclusion of the NNProxCC_Data project.


No references provided.