Individual variation and plasticity in the infant-directed communication of orang-utan mothers

  • ID: 20231012155304921-1273
  • Researcher: Marlen Fröhlich, Carel P. van Schaik, Maria A. van Noordwijk, Ulrich Knief
  • WP: Other
  • PI: null
  • Abstract: Between-individual variation in behavioural expression, such as social responsiveness, has been shown to have important eco-evolutionary consequences. However, most comparative research on non-human primate communication has focused on species- or population-level variation, while among- and within-individual variation has been largely ignored or considered as noise. Here, we apply a behavioural reaction norm framework to repeated observations of mother–offspring interactions in wild and zoo-housed orang-utans (Pongo abelii, P. pygmaeus) to tease apart variation on the individual level from population-level and species-level differences. Our results showed that mothers not only differed in the composition of their infant-directed gestural repertoires, but also in communicative tactics, such as gestural redoings (i.e. persistence) and responsiveness to infants' requests. These differences remained after controlling for essential moderators, including species, setting, parity and infant age. Importantly, mothers differed in how they adjusted their behaviour across social contexts, making a strong case for investigating within-individual variation. Our findings highlight that partitioning behavioural variation into its within-individual, between-individual and environmental sources allows us to estimate the extent of plastic responses to the immediate environment in great ape communication.
  • Data Type: null
  • Data Format: null
  • Git: None
Last modified: le 2023/10/16 12:11