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ACQDIV corpus
Underwater sounds, including killer whale and humpback whale vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023
(Swiss) GraphoLearn: an app-based tool to support beginning readers
A Bayesian Interpretation of the Light Gated Recurrent Unit
A convergent interaction engine: vocal communication among marmoset monkeys
A cross-species framework to identify vocal learning abilities in mammals
A deep hierarchy of predictions enables online meaning extraction in a computational model of human speech comprehension
A global analysis of matches and mismatches between human genetic and linguistic histories
A Phonology-based Approach for Isolated Sign Production Assessment in Sign Language
A system for controlling vocal communication networks
Affective Social Learning serves as a quick and flexible complement to TTOM
Age-related rhythmic variations: The role of syllable intensity variability
Age-Specific Effects of Lexical-Semantic Networks on Word Production
An exploration of Menzerath's law in wild mountain gorilla vocal sequences
An information-theory approach to geometry for animal groups
An intentional cohesion call in male chimpanzees of Budongo Forest
Appositive possession in Ainu and around the Pacific
Audience sensitivity in chimpanzee display pant hoots
Beyond universals and particulars in language
Bilateral age-related atrophy in the planum temporale is associated with vowel discrimination difficulty in healthy older adults
Bound for Specific Sounds: Vocal Predisposition in Animal Communication
Brain dynamics of (a)typical reading development-a review of longitudinal studies
Brain networks of emotional prosody processing
Brain structure-function coupling provides signatures for task decoding and individual fingerprinting
Call combinations and compositional processing in wild chimpanzees
Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in linguistic evolution?
Can Self-Supervised Neural Representations Pre-Trained on Human Speech distinguish Animal Callers?
Caregivers Interactions with Clinical Autocomplete Tool: A Retrospective Study
Case Syncretism, Animacy, and Word Order in Continental West Germanic: Neurolinguistic Evidence from a Comparative Study on Standard German, Zurich German, and Fering (North Frisian)
Category Clustering and Morphological Learning
Child-directed speech is optimized for syntax-free semantic inference
Children’s reasoning about the efficiency of others’ actions: The development of rational action prediction
Chimpanzees combine pant hoots with food calls into larger structures
Clocks with bursts: Phylogenetic inference of schismogenesis in language evolution
Cognitive constraints on vocal combinatoriality in a social bird
Coherent causal control: a new distinction within causation
Collective close calling mediates group cohesion in foraging meerkats via spatially determined differences in call rates
Collective knowledge and the dynamics of culture in chimpanzees
Combining predictive coding and neural oscillations enables online syllable recognition in natural speech
Common evolutionary origin of acoustic communication in choanate vertebrates
Contact-tracing in cultural evolution: a Bayesian mixture model to detect geographic areas of language contact
Contribution of acoustic analysis to the detection of vocoid epenthesis in apraxia of speech and other motor speech disorders
Covert Speech Comprehension Predicts Recovery From Acute Unresponsive States
Cross-linguistic differences in case marking shape neural power dynamics and gaze behavior during sentence planning
Cultural macroevolution of musical instruments in South America
De Novo Genome Assembly of the Japanese Wheat Cultivar Norin 61 Highlights Functional Variation in Flowering Time and Fusarium-Resistant Genes in East Asian Genotypes
Declarative referential gesturing in a wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)
Detecting contact in language trees: a Bayesian phylogenetic model with horizontal transfer
Detecting structured repetition in child-surrounding speech: Evidence from maximally diverse languages
Determinacy of Content: The Hard Problem about Animal Intentionality
Development of Print-Speech Integration in the Brain of Beginning Readers With Varying Reading Skills
Developmental Trajectories of Letter and Speech Sound Integration During Reading Acquisition
Dialectal Layers in West Iranian: A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approach to Linguistic Relationships1
Disentangling influence over group speed and direction reveals multiple patterns of influence in moving meerkat groups
Do chimpanzee food calls bias listeners toward novel items?
Do marmosets understand others' conversations? A thermography approach
Do typological differences in the expression of causality influence preschool children’s causal event construal?
Do you understand what I want to tell you? Early sensitivity in bilinguals' iconic gesture perception and production
Does learning to read affect naming skills? Insights from ERPs during letter and picture naming tasks
Does Linguistic Similarity Affect Early Simultaneous Bilingual Language Acquisition?
Dwarf mongoose alarm calls: investigating a complex non-human animal call
Dynamic interaction patterns of monolingual and bilingual infants with their parents
Dynamics of Word Production in the Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
EEG Resting-State and Event-Related Potentials as Markers of Learning Success in Older Adults Following Second Language Training: A Pilot Study
Effect of group size and experience on the ontogeny of sentinel calling behaviour in meerkats
Efficiency fosters cumulative culture across species
Emotional Voice Intonation: A Communication Code at the Origins of Speech Processing and Word-Meaning Associations?
Empathy is not so perfect! -For a descriptive and wide conception of empathy
Enhancing reading skills through a video game mixing action mechanics and cognitive training
Entwicklung der Fremdsprachkompetenzen Englisch bei Kindern mit sonderpädagogischer Förderung
Every product needs a process: unpacking joint commitment as a process across species
Evidence of joint commitment in great apes' natural joint actions
Evolutionary dynamics of Indo-European alignment patterns
Explicit versus non-explicit prosodic training in the learning of Spanish L2 stress contrasts by French listeners
Exploring correlations in genetic and cultural variation across language families in northeast Asia
Exploring T3 languages with quantitative computational syntax
Extracting extended vocal units from two neighborhoods in the embedding plane
Fachbeitrag: Entwicklung der Fremdsprachkompetenzen Englisch bei Kindern mit sonderpädagogischer Förderung
Filling in the gaps: Acoustic gradation increases in the vocal ontogeny of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Flexibility in wild infant chimpanzee vocal behavior
Food calls enhance visual discrimination learning in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)
From here to Utopia: Theories of Change in Nonideal Animal Ethics
Full-duplex acoustic interaction system for cognitive experiments with cetaceans
Global genomic analyses of wheat powdery mildew reveal association of pathogen spread with historical human migration and trade
Hidden spatial clusters - and how to find them
Higher social tolerance in wild versus captive common marmosets: the role of interdependence
How 2- and 4-year-old children coordinate social interactions with peers
How experience shapes infants' communicative behaviour: Comparing gaze following in infants with and without pandemic experience
How Preschoolers Associate Power with Gender in Male-Female Interactions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation
Imagined speech can be decoded from low- and cross-frequency intracranial EEG features
Impact of predator model presentation paradigms on titi monkey alarm sequences
Individual differences in peripheral hearing and cognition reveal sentence processing differences in healthy older adults
Individual variation and plasticity in the infant-directed communication of orang-utan mothers
Innovative multi-material tool use in the pant-hoot display of a chimpanzee
Intentional communication: solving methodological issues to assigning first‐order intentional signalling
Interacting effects of frontal lobe neuroanatomy and working memory capacity to older listeners' speech recognition in noise
Interconnectedness and (in)coherence as a signature of conspiracy worldviews
Interpreting null models of resting-state functional MRI dynamics: not throwing the model out with the hypothesis
Intervention effects in clefts: a study in quantitative computational syntax
Investigating self-recognition in bonobos: mirror exposure reduces looking time to self but not unfamiliar conspecifics
Is there a continuum between speech and other oromotor tasks? evidence from motor speech disorders
Is there a human fear paradox? A more thorough use of comparative data to test the fearful ape hypothesis
Lesser spot-nosed monkeys coordinate alarm call production with associated Campbell’s monkeys
Lexedata: A toolbox to edit CLDF lexical datasets
Lexical entrainment without conceptual pacts? Revisiting the matching task
Lexical measures as a proxy for bilingual language dominance?
Local Citation Recommendation with Hierarchical-Attention Text Encoder and SciBERT-Based Reranking
LOCO: The 88-million-word language of conspiracy corpus
Looking out for each other: coordination and turn taking in common marmoset vigilance
Male chimpanzees communicate to mediate competition and cooperation during feeding
Marmoset monkeys overcome dyadic social dilemmas while avoiding mutual defection
Maternal speech decreases pain scores and increases oxytocin levels in preterm infants during painful procedures
MemSum: Extractive Summarization of Long Documents Using Multi-Step Episodic Markov Decision Processes
Microstate ERP Analyses to Pinpoint the Articulatory Onset in Speech Production
Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers
Multicomponent and multisensory communicative acts in orang-utans may serve different functions
Multimodal system for recording individual-level behaviors in songbird groups
Multivariate Concavity Amplitude Index (MCAI) for characterizing Heschl's gyrus shape
Native listeners rely on rhythmic cues when deciding on the nativeness of speech
Neural dynamics of speech and non-speech motor planning
Neural dynamics of the production of newly acquired words relative to well-known words
Neural signatures of syntactic variation in speech planning
Neurodevelopment of the incentive network facilitates motivated behaviour from adolescence to adulthood
Neurodevelopmental trajectories of letter and speech sound processing from preschool to the end of elementary school
Nonadjacent dependency processing in monkeys, apes, and humans
North and South in the ancient Central Andes: Contextualizing the archaeological record with evidence from linguistics and molecular anthropology
Notions of arbitrariness
Numeral classifiers and number marking in Indo-Iranian: A phylogenetic approach
On the relationship between tinnitus distress, cognitive performance and aging
On the Spatial Distribution of Temporal Complexity in Resting State and Task Functional MRI
Optimising source identification from marmoset vocalisations with hierarchical machine learning classifiers
Optionality in animal communication: a novel framework for examining the evolution of arbitrariness
Oxytocin Levels Increase and Anxiety Decreases in Mothers Who Sing and Talk to Their Premature Infants during a Painful Procedure
Perceptual Classification of Motor Speech Disorders: The Role of Severity, Speech Task, and Listener's Expertise
Performance of Machine Learning Methods to Classify French Medical Publications
Philosophy of Developmental Biology
Pluralism about practical reasons and reason explanations
Primate origins of corepresentation and cooperative flexibility: A comparative study with common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), brown capuchins (Sapajus apella), and Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana).
Processing causatives in first language acquisition: A computational approach
Putting the cart before the horse? The origin of information donation
Reconstructing the evolution of Indo-European grammar
Recursive Non-Autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer for Dependency Parsing with Iterative Refinement
Referential gestures are not ubiquitous in wild chimpanzees: alternative functions for exaggerated loud scratch gestures
Reply to comment on “Nonadjacent dependency processing in monkeys, apes, and humans”
Rhythmic modulation of prediction errors: a possible role for the beta-range in speech processing
Selection levels on vocal individuality: strategic use or byproduct
Selective attention modulates neural envelope tracking of informationally masked speech in healthy older adults
Selective enhancement of low-gamma activity by tACS improves phonemic processing and reading accuracy in dyslexia
Self-regulation of visual word form area activation with real-time fMRI neurofeedback
Sensitivity and specificity of an acoustic- and perceptual-based tool for assessing motor speech disorders in French: the MonPaGe-screening protocol
Social tolerance and interactional opportunities as drivers of gestural redoings in orang-utans
Socially scripted vocal learning in primates
Songbirds are excellent auditory discriminators, irrespective of age and experience
Speaking for seeing: Sentence structure guides visual event apprehension
Special issue: Vocal accommodation in speech communication
Syntax and compositionality in animal communication
Syntax-like Structures in Maternal Contact Calls of Chestnut-Crowned Babblers (Pomatostomus ruficeps)
Teaching, sharing experience, and innovation in cultural transmission
Teleology first: Goals before knowledge and belief
Test experiments with distributed acoustic sensing and hydrophone arrays for locating underwater sounds.
Testing the acoustic adaptation hypothesis with vocalizations from three mongoose species
The Agent Preference in Visual Event Apprehension
The arrow-of-time in neuroimaging time series identifies causal triggers of brain function
The dialect chain of the Timor-Alor-Pantar language family: A new analysis using systematic Bayesian phylogenetics
The emergence of emotionally modern humans: implications for language and learning
The evolution of similarity avoidance: a phylogenetic approach to phonotactic change
The evolutionary drivers of primate scleral coloration
The evolutionary origins of syntax: Event cognition in nonhuman primates
The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from 10 languages
The function and evolution of child-directed communication
The function of chimpanzee greeting calls is modulated by their acoustic variation
The genetic history of the Southern Andes from present-day Mapuche ancestry
The multifaceted genomic history of Ashaninka from Amazonian Peru
The relationship between food calling and agonistic behaviour in wild chimpanzees
The reliability of individual vocal signature varies across the bonobo's graded repertoire
The rise and fall of rapid occipito-temporal sensitivity to letters: Transient specialization through elementary school
The rise of affectivism
Thermal imaging reveals audience-dependent effects during cooperation and competition in wild chimpanzees
Towards a Governance Framework for Brain Data
Towards Integrating Joint Action Research: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives on Co-representation
Trade-offs between vocal accommodation and individual recognisability in common marmoset vocalizations
Transition to language: From agent perception to event representation
Understanding verbal indirect communication in monolingual and bilingual children
Underwater sounds, including killer whale and humpback whale vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023
Use of the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) for Processing Free Text in Health Care: Systematic Scoping Review
Visual word form processing deficits driven by severity of reading impairments in children with developmental dyslexia
Vocalization-associated respiration patterns: thermography-based monitoring and detection of preparation for calling
Vowel convergence does not affect auditory speaker discriminability in humans and machine in a case study on Swiss German dialects
What Do Differences between Alternating and Sequential Diadochokinetic Tasks Tell Us about the Development of Oromotor Skills? An Insight from Childhood to Adulthood
What is Sympathy? Understanding the Structure of Other-Oriented Emotions
When does speech planning rely on motor routines? ERP comparison of speech and non-speech from childhood to adulthood
When dogs meow: An electrophysiological study of lexical–semantic processing in toddlers
White-handed gibbons discriminate context-specific song compositions
Whole Genome Sequencing of a 900-year-old Human Skeleton Supports Two Past Migration Events from the Russian Far East to Northern Japan
Why do chimpanzees have diverse behavioral repertoires yet lack more complex cultures? Invention and social information use in a cumulative task
Wild-captive contrasts in non-vocal communicative repertoires and functional specificity in orang-utans
Word Order Variation is Partially Constrained by Syntactic Complexity
Word Production Changes through Adolescence: A Behavioral and ERP Investigation of Referential and Inferential Naming
Word stress processing integrates phonological abstraction with lexical access – An ERP study
A Naturalness Gradient Shapes the Learnability and Cross-Linguistic Distribution of Morphological Paradigms
A surrogate gradient spiking baseline for speech command recognition
A VAE for Transformers with Nonparametric Variational Information Bottleneck
Affective Social Learning: A Lens for Developing a Fuller Picture of Socialization Processes
Ayer’s Verificationism: Dead as a Dodo?
Between-group variation in production of pant-grunt vocalizations by wild bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Beyond the Benchmarks: Toward Human-Like Lexical Representations
BLM-AgrF: A New French Benchmark to Investigate Generalization of Agreement in Neural Networks
Chimpanzee immigration: Complex social strategies differ between zoo-based and wild animals
Dialects in leaf-clipping and other leaf-modifying gestures between neighbouring communities of East African chimpanzees
Do Discourse Indicators Reflect the Main Arguments in Scientific Papers?
Exploring the role of COVID-19 pandemic-related changes in social interactions on preschoolers' emotion labeling
Frequency vs. Salience in First Language Acquisition: The Acquisition of Aspect Marking in Chintang
Function of meerkats' mobbing-like response to secondary predator cues: recruitment not teaching
Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs’ reactions towards howls
Individual differences in early instructed language learning
Inducing Meaningful Units from Character Sequences with Slot Attention
Interaction Studies
Interactive extraction of diverse vocal units from a planar embedding without the need for prior sound segmentation
Multilingual Language Models Predict Human Reading Behavior
Norms, Reasons, and Anthropological Naturalism
Predicting Reading From Behavioral and Neural Measures – A Longitudinal Event-Related Potential Study
Speakers are more cooperative and less individual when interacting in larger group sizes
The AUTOTYP database
The Ontogeny of Vocal Sequences: Insights from a Newborn Wild Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)
When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint
11 Flexibility in Great Ape Vocal Production
A machine learning approach to infant distress calls and maternal behaviour of wild chimpanzees
A novel non-linguistic audio-visual learning paradigm to test the cognitive correlates of learning rate
Bonobos engage in joint commitment
Child-Language Corpora
Dependency length minimization and its limits: a possible role for a probabilistic version of the Final-Over-Final Condition (to appear in Language)
From collocations to call-ocations: using linguistic methods to quantify animal call combinations
Interpretability of statistical approaches in speech and language neuroscience
Minds, Brains, and Capacities: Situated Cognition and Neo-Aristotelianism
Use and Function of Multi-Articulator Versus Multi-Sensory Acts in the Close-Range Communication of Orang-Utans
Brain dynamics during language processing
tACS effects on brain networks
Last modified: le 2023/10/16 12:11