Underwater sounds, including killer whale and humpback whale vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023

  • ID: 20231012155331422-1364
  • Researcher: Jörg Rychen, Alexander Eckerle, Xintong Liu, Stefan Schucker
  • WP: Other
  • PI: null
  • Abstract: Dataset of underwater acoustic recordings obtained during the expedition “Orcalize” that took place in Skjervøy in northern Norway from 29th December 2022 till 6th January 2023. The data contains vocalizations from killer whales and songs from humpback whales which gather in the local fjords during the winter months to feed on herring. We recorded in the band of 20 Hz – 60 kHz with calibrated hydrophones arranged in a compact tetrahedral array that we deployed over board of a motorboat. In total we provide 16 files of continuous recordings with duration from several minutes  to over one hour. The total dataset is about 7 hours 37 minutes long and the memory size is 62.8 GB. See the file info.pdf for more information.
  • Data Type: null
  • Data Format: null
  • Git: None
Last modified: le 2023/10/16 12:11