API Error Codes

The NCCR Evolving Language API may return the following error codes in response to requests:

Error Code Description HTTP Status Code Response Body
400 Bad Request - Invalid parameter value or missing required parameter. 400 {“error”: “Bad Request”}
401 Unauthorized - Missing or invalid authentication token. 401 {“error”: “Unauthorized”}
403 Forbidden - The authenticated user does not have access to the requested resource. 403 {“error”: “Forbidden”}
404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found. 404 {“error”: “Not Found”}
429 Too Many Requests - The user has exceeded the allowed rate limit for the API. 429 {“error”: “Too Many Requests”}
500 Internal Server Error - An unexpected error occurred on the server. 500 {“error”: “Internal Server Error”}

If an error occurs, the API will return an appropriate HTTP status code and a response body containing a JSON object with an “error” key and a message describing the error.

To handle errors in your API requests, you should check the HTTP status code and the response body returned by the API. You can use this information to determine the nature of the error and take appropriate action to resolve it.

Last modified: le 2023/02/20 17:55