Short-Term Vocal Accommodation Experiment on Marmosets


This document provides a comprehensive overview of a short-term vocal accommodation experiment conducted on two common marmosets. The experiment aimed to study the effect of visual contact and food on the vocal behavior of the animals. The data was collected using two microphones and recorded over a period of 15 minutes, divided into three 5-minute-long phases. The documentation includes information on the data collection and processing methods, as well as the structure and content of the provided folders and files.

Data Description

The data provided includes recordings of the vocal behavior of two common marmosets, as well as corresponding video recordings. The experiment was recorded with two microphones - one at high gain and one at low gain - to capture different types of vocalizations. The data was recorded over a period of 15 minutes and divided into three 5-minute-long phases, with varying levels of visual contact and food availability. The provided data is stored in separate folders, each containing different types of data:

  1. experiment_log.xlsx: contains a record of the experiments, including information on the variables used in the experiment.
  2. behaviouraldata_log.xlsx: contains behavioral observations of the animals conducted during the experiments, including information on the variables used in the observations.
  3. segmentation protocol_20221121.doc: contains information on the segmentation, labeling, and file naming protocols used for the data.
  4. short-term vocal accommodation protocol.docx: contains the protocol for the experiment, including details on sampling methods.
  5. The video data is stored in the “video data” folder, which includes the “RAW” subfolder containing raw footage files.
  6. The acoustic data is stored in the “acoustic data” folder, which includes the following subfolders:
    • 1 RAW: contains raw audio files recorded with the two microphones. Some of the files may be empty or corrupted.
    • 2 RAW_labelled: contains full recordings processed with labels corresponding to the segmentation protocol_20221121.doc. Labels follow the naming convention of individualID_calltype and provide information on the sequence type and ID, as well as the start and end time of each label.
    • adjusted txt label files: contains adjusted labels for files that weren't labeled originally, accounting for offset. Some of the txt files contain labels named “right” and “left,” which can be ignored.
    • 3 sequences: contains segmented sequences based on labels in “RAW”_labelled.
    • 4 phee sequences_labelled: contains segmented phee sequences based on labels in “RAW”_labelled, with labels providing information about the elements within a sequence for phee sequences.
    • 5 phee sequence elements: contains individual elements of each phee sequence.

Figure 1: Figure showing spectrograms of four call types (tskseq, pheeseq, fdseq, trill) in subplots (a, b, c, and d)

Figure 2: Figure showing the spectrograms of four elements mB1, mB2, mR1 in subplots (a, b, c).

Call Type Count
trill 33
pheeseq 18
fdseq 11
tskseq 2
phee 2
egg 2
pheeseqX 1
tsk 1
fd 1

Table 1: Call type statistics.

Vocalization Type Count
trills 51
phees 20

Table 2: Vocalization statistics.

Individuals Number of vocalizations
Odin 56
Olympia 15

Table 3: Individual statistics.

Element Type Number of Elements
x0 21
y0 20
mB2 16
mB1 13
mR1 3
mA1 2
mC2 2
mC1 2
mC3 2
mD5 1
mP4 1
mD1 1
mD6 1
mP2 1
mP3 1
yP1 1
mD8 1
mP7 1

Table 4: Frequency of different element types

Data Processing

The data was processed using the segmentation protocol outlined in segmentation protocol_20221121.doc. The protocol includes details on segmentation, labeling, and file naming. The segmented data is stored in the “acoustic data” folder, with individual files named according to the labeling protocol. The processing steps involved the use of software, algorithms, and other tools to clean and filter the data, as well as normalize and transform it. The full processing methodology is described in the segmentation protocol_20221121.doc.

Results and Findings

Information not available.

Discussion and Conclusion

Information not available.

Last modified: le 2023/03/13 14:19